*Poster found from: Szeki World; posted by Blue_Angel_12
I am very excited to read that The Silver Chambers of Sorrow will be releasing on April 28th, 2008. The cast is very promising, and I think I like the majority of the cast even though they aren’t popular. This serie is somewhat referred to Heart of Greed ancient version, highlighting family feuds and schemes, but I think it’s also somewhat a little of War & Beauty crossed over with The Charmed Beneath too, while looking at pics and reading the plot. Like War & Beauty, it seems like it would focus on the main wife and the concubines and their feud/scheming with each other, and this seems like a serie the females would get more screen time and a better script. Then like The Charmed Beneath, I think they would be some focus on the patriarch’s children and their romance and lots of arguing from the ladies’ parts. Hopefully this serie would do well, but if TVB has faith to release it so early, then it must not be so bad right?
Well good script or not, I definitely think the acting would be something to look forward too. The majority of the older cast are veterans, so their performance should be stable if not better. The cast as a whole is refreshing to me since I don’t think this group worked together as much (compared to the same cast/couples used over and over again from HOG, Dance of Passion, Gem of Life). I am really interested in how the four wives are going to “duke it out”. Not to mention, it would be interesting to see the four actresses (Nancy Sit, Rebecca Sau, Christina Ng, and Nancy Wu) portray their characters. This serie is also, I believe, Ng Wai Kwok’s second serie since returning to TVB. I quite like watching him from The Drive of Life, so I look forward to his performance in this one as well. And of course, Shirley is also in this serie! I don’t actually like her character’s role and story from what I have read, and it doesn’t seem like a role with a lot of room for her to improve on, but maybe I would change my mind after watching.
I really like the poster of the cast above! It seems like the people to the left of Ng Wai Kwok are the antagonist or the trouble-makers, and the people to his right, are more of the protagonists. Especially like Christina Ng's tragic/sorrowful look! As for the promos, I like the promos focusing on the two lovers moreso than Nancy Sit and Christina Au and Nancy Wu, but both of them are too short though. Wonder when the themesong would come out?
Edit 4/21- Themevideo is added below from todou and youtube. I love the beginning when Nancy Sit does the voiceover which lists a series of human sorrows in life,..it automatically catches your attention. Very fitting with the title. As for the scenes in the themevideo, I anticipate a lot of crying and injustice but nothing really catches my eye though. The song is very beautiful, but it is also not catchy in the first hearing. I just wish the themesong was a bit longer.
Edit 4/23- Added intense trailer clip of this series below from Szeki World. Very intense clips, although a bit revealing about the plot....but nonetheless it seems like a very plot-driven series. Christine Ng seems to be the main female lead or at least the main focus. Can't wait to see how this series would fare for the HK viewers!
I. Themevideo:
II. Themesong sang by Ivana Wong, first few verses recited by Nancy Sit
王菀之 - 認命
獨白:天荒地老 最好忘記
笑也輕微 痛也輕微
生老病死 相聚分離
身不由己 心不由己
曾經我不太相信 定了宿命
曾經我想去反抗 命中注定
如果我感覺心跳 沒法安靜
在歲月裡飄和沉 是我的命運
無望中啞忍 痛苦中偷生
用愛換最傷教訓 妄想走近
如果我可以改變 就勇敢地
*Lyrics above found from here: http://www.littleoslo.com/lyc/home/?p=1248
III. Trailer & Promos(watch before Youtube takes them down....you know they will!!)
Intense Trailer (recommended) *found from Szeki World
Promo # 1:
Promo # 2:
To see poster of the serie and cast & more info: http://www.shirley-yeung.starszz.com/main.html
jadedreams, long time no talk! The series does look good because it's buoyed by the vets! Not liking Shirley's character description, because it's too common. And OMG is Nancy playing another type of character =O. This might look like the breakthrough for Nancy Wu.
And you're right, it looks more War and Beauty especially from the second promo. The shot of Christine Ng looking into the mirror reminds me of the same shot of Gigi Lai in WAB.
Hopefully the series will do well! It could be one of those surprise hits..
themissingpiece, I miss your comments! I thought you aren't visiting anymore! Good to hear from you again!
yeah, I'm not really liking Shirley's role. There was a brief scene of her in one of the promos, and her expression was similar to scenes when she gets mad in A Change of Destiny. I don't think there is a lot of challenge for her in this one, but maybe I will be wrong and she will be able to showcase a different type of character since she will have to deal with a lot of abuse.
Looks like it might be a breakthrough for Christine Ng too...seems like a heavy role for her in this one. Can't wait to see how Nancy would fare as the villain. and Charmaine Li as well. Really liking the cast of all the female actresses in this one!
jadedreams, thanks! actually been busy so haven't had time to visit. But definately visit more often, but you have to update more often as well! I love reading your comments and thoughts on series/actors/etc. I heard you resigned from AF, why?? We don't have too many HK mods there!
Christine definately deserves a breakthrough and she looks like she has a huge role, which is great. I love this kind of series, as in the ones where it seems as if the focus is back on the acting! I really like The Charm Beneath and this seems similar..so :D I disliked Gigi after watching WAB, but TCB, she won me over.
Yeah I like the female cast as well..nancy and charmaine li are ones to watch !!!
And I realized that in my earlier comment i said that nancy was playing another type of role. I meant Nancy Sit.
themissingpiece, busy with school and the MCAT? I remember you said you had to study for that earlier. Good luck with both! I haven't studied for the GRE in a long time myself!
haha...i'll try to update more as well but working full time 6 days a week gets tiring! plus, sometimes I have nothing to write about haha. If you have anything you would like to share on here like comments/articles, let me know, I would love to post it for you!
As for resigning as mod for AF, I guess I have to say all good things come to an end. AF would always be one of the sites I visit on a daily basis. For many years, it was like my second home online (and it still is!), but I no longer have the time to mod. I was also not really as active participating with other team members to make the site better so I always felt that I'm not really worthy of being a mod. Whatever little time I have left after work, I want to read or discuss about entertainment and not wanting to go through the forums and mod. But nowadays, whenever I see something wrong at the forums, it's kind of sad that I can't fix it anymore b/c I have no function to. I also miss my sifu/teacher there at AF...330d...it was sad I had to disappoint him by resigning. He was a great teacher at AF, probably the most loyal guy to Athlon there haha. Are you currently a mod over at AF now?
I agree...there are times to watch series that are just for fun (have you heard about TVB making HOF/Four leaf Clover part 3?...I saw it in the TVB mag haha), and then there are times we yearn to watch some good acting! It seems like the actors and actresses are all very confident that this serie would do well. However, these type of series with good acting usually don't do as well (Drive of Life- the whole cast acted very well, The Charm Beneath which by the way was great...Gigi was amazing in this one) though. Hopefully HK viewers will like this one!
I love the colours of TSCOS (even the abbreviation seems unique!) from the themevideo to their clothes...I don't know how to explain...the clothes look very nice and colourful, but not to the point that it's stunning....I guess what I mean is that the clothing choices are nice and realistic too.
Hopefully it won't disappoint!
jadedreams, yeah well haven't actually gotten around to "studying" for that MCAT..too much school work! good luck on the GRE!
o wow 6 days a week of work is tiring~
Yeah I'm currently a mod at AF. But actually I feel the same as you do about modding/reading about ent. but the thing is, the "golden" rule for mods is that we're supposed to be there to enjoy first and mod 2nd! I realize I post/read more than I mod..but i enjoy the power :P
actually now that i heard the cast, I'm MOST looking forward for acting is wayne's first lead role, it's him AND SHEREN! OMG like acting dream team!
themissingpiece, I ams also excited about Wayne as leading! Wayne is an awesome actor. He's like Gallen Lo, but long over due.
Are you watching the first few episodes of The Silver Chambers of Sorrow. So far, I think it's ok, but it's not very exciting. I don't think ratings-wise they will do well in the beginning, but it might get better during the middle and ending. Other than that, I think it's alright so far. Nancy Sit and Christine Ng's characters seem to be the most interesting so far. Shirley is still pretty much the same, but it seems like she's more comfortable.
I think a part of it is because I watched two-three clips of spoilers and it revealed a lot of plot.
jadedreams, i have watched 3 episodes of silver chambers. After 2 episodes, I thought it was ok. But I think the addition of Nancy (Wu) and Jack really started things rolling in ep 3, like everything's starting to click and it's getting rolling the drama.
I definately think Nancy (Sit) and Christine's characters are the most interesting. I want to see Nancy's progression into evil! and Paul's character is such a jerk!
I think the problem is that it's rather predictable, but I don't mind as long as the acting is good. Which it is!
From the themevideo, i'm seeing upcoming good drama scenes for Charmaine Li! I'm glad Charmaine and Nancy Wu get some good scenes!
themissingpiece, I have watched to episode 8, and so far, I think it is a bit boring and the characters' personality a little bland. However, there are some interesting traits revealed here and there. I'm just hoping the pace and the character development will pick up around episode 10.
this might be spoilerish, but a little of nancy sit's manipulative face finally showed when she threatened Rebecca about knowing what happen with the grandfather. however she reverts back to a good hearted person pretty much after that so i'm confuse whether she's really a villain, but rather just one that is like Sheren Tang, a villain but is only a semi-one due to circumstances.
so far, I'm the most entertained with nancy wu's character...she plays a modern, liberal sexual woman but yet I think she's quite a savvy character. Most tvb series portray these type of more modern gals in ancient times superficially, but it seems like this series is giving this type of character some depth.
I also quite like winnie yeung's character. I like how she's very mature and sophisticated, and especially strong and able to make her decisions, which shows how different she is compared with all the women in the Sheung family. I think the strongest in the family had to be Christine because she's no attached (she doesn't care about them) to her immediate family (Paul Chun & his wives), but she is weak because she is so in love with Ng Wai Kwok (the brother).
Charmaine Li is quite pretty in this serie! I think she's the second prettiest after Christine Ng in here. I sympathize with her since she always yearns to be free, but yet is not able to explore the world because of strict upbringings.
I think one of the more interesting thing in this serie, is that they show different types of women in this time period. Every one of the main ladies have their own distinctive personalities that sets them apart from each other.
Well hopefully it would get better soon. I have read that the ratings aren't too bad for the first 5 episodes, but the plot needs to hurry up and progressed before people lose attention!
jadedreams, you took the words from my mouth! I also think the best part and the most well done part of the series is the setup of all the different types of women in that era. They have a really good setup and attention paid to drawing out the various female characters. it's still rather rare for the focus on well drawn female characters probably with the exception of WAB and LFD.
Actually the other dichotomy I like is the old vs. new. It's done a lot but I think they really show and make it evident with the interactions between the different characters.
Nancy Wu just SHINES in the series. She's always been good but she doesn't have the role to go with it! So this SHOULD get her noticed. and seeing that the series has not bad ratings, hopefully she gets recognized. I definately like Charmaine's character, but can't wait till she gets to the REALLY good scenes.
I was pleasantly surprised by the ratings. It's pretty good for something not touted, not with a "popular" cast. The stellar cast is helping it along.
I actually quite like the series now, but they need to speed up development of Christine's character. I'm up to 8 and she really doesn't do much. but i know we're getting there. As for Nancy Sit, here's some spoilerish..she slowly becomes evil/manipulative because she gets fed up with Paul's action. So that convo with Rebecca about grandfather wasn't out of character for her. And we finally get to see more acting other than comedies from Nancy. And can i say how glad they made Matt's character the way they did? I was SO surprised that he yelled at his mom and sided with Nancy..that's REFRESHING for his type of character!
the missingpiece, episode 10 has quite a few dramatic events! Looks like the story will reach the exciting parts with Christine soon!
yeah, I quite like watching the different types of women characters and how they interact with each other. The confrontation scenes with the females are probably the best scenes in this series so far. I especially like how all the characters are not one-dimensionally nice or evil...like even though Christine seems like a generally nice and peaceful person throughout, but yet she harbors a strong dislike for Winnie's character, who has been nothing but kind to her.
(If you have watched far enough...)What did you think when Christine slapped Nancy in the hospital? Did Nancy Sit imagine that slap? Did Christine actually slap her and then went back into a coma? Or was it a editing error on TVB's part? I was actually confused about that part.
As for the old versus new, it's very prominent between the brothers but I don't really like watching this plot play between them that much. However, I find it more amusing/interesting watching the wives slowly embracing western thinking. Rebecca & that pool table was hilarious! I thought it was creative when she said it was used for throwing bones! I wonder if anyone in history actually thought of that idea because it is actually quite marketable I would think LOL
Actually any ratings of 29 or a little below is consider average lol. 30-33 is good. 34+ are those series that usually get applauds/recognition/limelight...basically the ones that gets people's heads turned lol...I think the ratings for Damian's series To Catch a Thief (or something like that) is doing pretty well, perhaps it's helping Silver Chambers also?
Interesting spoiler about Nancy Sit's character. I think I could see why after episode 10. I really like that brief scene of Matt yelling at Rebecca...too bad that was his only serious scene...but it did kind of come out of nowhere though lol. Like all of a sudden he is serious after being silly for so many episodes? That is one thing about this serie...sometimes the characters aren't exactly too consistent...like how Shirley would speak up against Nancy Sit's character. I thought it was a set up between them for the daughter, but it does not seem like that was what happened. Written nicely like for Christine & Nancy Wu, it's nice but when it's sort of 180 for shirley and matt, it's like why are they all of a sudden like that?
Well lets see how 10-15 goes. Are you watching something else along with this serie, themissingpiece?
jadedreams, stuff really is getting interested. I finished 11 eps now. Seems like the change is complete now for Christine.
I also like how they're making many of the characters "real." Like Christine - Winnie, she can't deny that Winnie is a good person and wife. so she tries to make herself hate her by not hanging out with her.
As for the slap, I was really confused by it. At first I thought Christine really woke up to slap her. but the way they had Ng Wai Kwok by her bedside urging her to wake and Shirley saying essentially that she hasn't, made me think she didn't. But my interpretation is that it's Nancy's guilt acting up on her. She feels so guilty over effectively ruining Christine's life. and it's weighing very heavily on her consciousness.
On Shirley, I really wish she got a good character. Her character is so common and boring! And i Like shirley, after POG and TBOL, but it feels like she's regressed, or she really has nothing to do with the character. Charmaine's character is even better. As for Shirley yelling at Nancy Sit, I don't think it's too out of the picture. She was never "scared" of Nancy because Nancy was always good to her. And she always felt that Nancy was reasonable so she decided to speak her mind, though obviously it's so out of character for a maid..
I think 29 is good for first week, because it's not a "popular" cast and the story is not new. So i thought it would do horribly. For a series with little promotion and no "pull", it's first week raings beat the heavily promoted "The Seventh Day" (which was bad, don't watch it if haven't yet)
I just finished watcing "A Journey Called Life" and am watching "Catch me now" with Silver chambers. You? but i really really really recommend "C'est la vie, mon cherie" with Fiona Sit, Chen Kun, Yu On On, Alex Fong!!! it's INCREDIBLE, better than all TVB series this year!
*somewhat spoilerish* As for Christine’s character, her transformation didn’t make as much sense to me. Yes, she was heartbroken over her lover not choosing her (btw, at times he does seem kind of annoying, showing how much he still cares for her), but I do not understand her motive/intentions to help Paul out to such lengths that doesn’t really gain anything. As the youngest and prettiest wife there, along with the death of the fourth wife, she pretty much gained Paul’s heart and trust. I guess it would make sense if she does things that are against Ng Wai Kwok’s wishes to spite him because he didn’t return her love, but it seems to show that she’s doing these bad things moreso to gain Paul’s trust/happiness rather than that, which to me doesn’t really make sense.
Yeah, the slap is very misleading. If the intent was to show Nancy’s guilt, then they should’ve showed a brief scene afterwards of Christine still sleeping after the slap. That’s one of the bad things about this serie, sometimes the scenes and characters do not have a good explanation/transition.
I agree with you about Shirley’s character in here! It is pretty much a waste. They could take away her character, and it would not take away anything from this serie. I read news with Shirley saying her family thinks her acting is pretty well in this serie, and I’m like what the heck? Shirley should try to stop acting the loud-mouth, tomboy, speaks-her mind, cute girl characters for a while. I tend to like her more when she acts out characters that are quiet such as Price of Greed, Devil’s Disciple, and even Brink of Law to some extent. When she acts loud-mouth, brash characters, it’s very similar to past characters she had played before such as A Change of Destiny, Angels On Mission, etc , and plus, it gets very annoying with the same expressions/movements too.
Yeah, I think Charmaine Li definitely had a better character to portray. I am actually rooting for her and Jack now! I think it’s cute how she is trying to pursue him. Maybe Jack would give her a chance? Their status is off, but who knows. I think her personality and interests matches Jack more. They also have more chemistry together in my opinion.
With Shirley, I think she has chemistry with some of the actors she paired up with, but somehow there’s always some distance between them there that I couldn’t buy her and her romantic interest onscreen as a couple. I suspect it is because I know she has a boyfriend already so that my impression of her is that she is not putting her full heart into feeling the attraction with the opposite pairing onscreen. Also, there seems like there isn’t much affections like passionate kissing with her and other actors save for Ron and Timmy Hung (from what I have seen so far with her series but I could be wrong…..all I know is that she never really kissed Bosco so far…they had a brief scene in Find the light but I think he was like trying to kiss her neck moreso than her lips lol). Wonder if that is her request or the producers/directors don’t really need her to kiss that much? What do you think?
Well, I think this serie is ok so far, but it’s not as great as I hope it would be. I am still watching though since I would like to know how all the characters would end up.
I think The Seventh Day’s concept is pretty cute and pretty, but I myself did not finish it. I think I was on episode 10, and it didn’t have enough oomph to get me to continue watching. I think I might go back to watch it, but I don’t know. Really looking forward to Roger and Kevin’s thrilling serie and also Gem of Life of course.
Not watching anything else TVB other than Silver Chambers. Was watching Taiwan series, Fated to Love you though. It’s a very cute serie! Hmm….maybe I would give “C’est la vie, mon Cherie” a try later.
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