Sunday, September 07, 2008

遇見, "Meeting" by Stephanie Sun

遇見 - 孫燕姿
Interpretation/Translation by Jadedreams

聽見 冬天的離開
Hearing, winter's departure
I am at a certain year, certain month, waking up
我想 我等 我期待
I am thinking, I am waiting, I am look forward
The future should not arrange this

*陰天 傍晚 車窗外
Cloudy skies, nearing dusk, car window outside
in the future, there is a person waiting
向左 向右 向前看
Towards the left, towards the right, looking towards the front
love would turn how many curves before coming?

#我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白
The person I meet, would have what phrase?
我等的人 他在多遠的未來
The person I am waiting for, how far is he in the future?
我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海
I hear the wind , coming from the subway in a huge crowd
我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌
I am standing in line, holding love's ticket number
重唱 *,#

我往前飛 飛過一片時間海
I go forward flying, flying over a spread of ocean time
We are often in love suffering pain
我看著路 夢的入口有點窄
I am looking at the road, the road into the dream is narrow
Meeting you is the most beautiful unexpectedness

終有一天 我的謎底會解開
There will be one day, my riddle would be solved

//A very pleasant ballad to listen to, and I'm sure many people are thinking the same thing. When am I going to meet "the one" ? How would I know? What is the first dialogue between us?

1 comment:

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