Sunday, March 16, 2008

Enhance Your Vocab with HK entertainment- Lesson 4

1.) adumbrate- to foreshadow

Ex: In A Change of Destiny, it was shown that although the book, Chinese Prophecy (Twei Bui To) was rumored to adumbrate the future of the next destined emperor to reign, the interpretation varies from different perspectives.

2.) complaisant - desire to please

Ex: After Wan Wan fell in love with Tzi Ling in Twins of Brothers, she offered and made many complaisant actions, in hopes that he will one day feel the same for her.

3.) ingenuous - naïve and trusting

Ex: In Dicey Business, it was frustrating to watch the ingenuous character of ah Fu “wake up” because it took a long time before he realized his Sifu had bad intentions and was using him.

4.) banal - predictable

Ex: Watching so many TVB series, there are many banal plots that are reused over and over again, for example, the “opposites attract” storyline.

5.) archaic- outdated

Ex: It was demonstrated in Revolving Door of Vengence that Ella Koon’s character was old-fashioned when she still uses archaic technology such as tape cassettes to listen to her favorite Hackan song.

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