Sunday, July 06, 2008

Moonlight Resonance. 家好月圆

Moonlight Resonance Trailer

Usually referred to "Heart of Greed 2", Moonlight Resonance is the official TVB title. The trailer says that TVB will air this on July 28th. I am surprised that they are airing it so early, but considering it is 40 episodes, the ending will be shown about a week after the Moon Festival holiday on September 14, 2008 (China Time).

I really like how some of the characters got up and arrange new positions in the trailer. I have not watched HOG I, but I like how the trailer shows the character arrangement from HOGI, and then everyone got up and changed their spots. Although this serie is completely different from HOG I, it's quite a creative way to show that the actors and actresses will play different characters in this serie, and that the feud & triangles are different.

The cast is incredibly stunning. Michelle Yim looks beautiful, and I have no doubts she will give a fine performance as the villain of this serie. Kate Tsui's character is also very interesting. She is suppose to be a villain or a semi-villain in this serie. Shirley will get to guest star as the young Lee Szi Kei in this serie. The will also be Lee Heung Kum's first come-back serie in a long time. And the two hottest guys at TVB that I just can not pick over (Raymond & Bosco) will be fighting over a girl!? Now, IF ONLY, if only, it could be Tavia that they fight over, man it would be one triangle I wouldn't miss for anything. Imagine the chemistry between both guys! However, unlucky for me and perhaps other TVB fans who are not fond of her, it is Linda Chung who will be stuck between two fine guys.

In Cantonese, there is a term call "duk nan, duk bei" which translates to meaning something like "you don't like seeing and feel that they are in the way" which generally means you don't like that person. When it comes to a grand cast and a potential great serie, whenever I find Linda Chung is casted in the serie, I feel that way. I think she is like the only thorn amidst a bouquet of roses. That is how I feel about her in The Gem of Life too. Thus, her being in the cast is my only disappointment. I can only hope her being casted in two grand productions this year means that she will stay out of future grand productions for the next year or so (I can only hope forever too!). Sorry Linda, TVB and the Hong Kong audience must love you, but I do not.

1 comment:

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