Saturday, August 09, 2008

Moonlight Resonance - What does ‘Resonance’ mean?

How in the world did TVB came out with this title? It sounds kind of awkward, but yet, after searching it up, the definition of resonance really does fit the theme of this serie. I have actually heard of the word resonance before, and I knew it had something to do with sound and two, I remember there was some sort of chart I had to draw from organic chemistry that had to do with resonance. But what does it mean for this serie? So in my geeky quest to gain an understanding of yet more unnecessary knowledge of TVB series, I looked the word up!

Looking it up at, here are the few definitions that seems fitting for this serie.

From American Heritage Dictionary:

1. Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion: "It is home and family that give resonance . . . to life" (George Gilder). "Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance" (James Wolcott).

From WordNet:
2. a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people

See how the word resonance matches the theme of the serie? As the theme of the serie is centered on the mooncake business, if we take the first definition, then moonlight or rather what it represents (Autumn’s festival) is a huge significance to the Gam & Hor family since their business revolves around mooncakes. As the moon glows above them that day, when the family gets together, the warmth and happiness with the whole family is the richness they get.

If we take the second definition, then we could interpret it as by the witness of the moonlight, there is an agreement or trust between the various characters. And throughout the serie (I’m assuming), there would be many agreements between Hor Ma’s family and Jo Bao & ah Hung, as well as many of the sibling relationships, and romantic relationships.

Personally, I am quite happy with this name for this serie now, and am glad that it is not Moonlight Greed or Greed of Mooncakes, or something extremely bizarre of that nature haha.


Anonymous said...

LOL! "Mooncake Greed" That totally ruins the whole image of the story lol (imagines people being greedy and eating lots of mooncakes) XD

When I first head the title was officially called "Moonlight Resonance", I already knew what it meant because I've used 'Resonance' a lot in studying English texts back at school which quite matched the first definition you've provided. I hadn't realised it also meant "relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people " That's the neat part =) Thanks for sharing!

Jadedreams said...

yup, ktvb, that wouldn't be a good image! It would be a comedy then! Not a drama hahaha