Sunday, August 03, 2008

Will Chilam be back at TVB soon?

You know who I miss? I miss Chilam! If you are a fan of TVB, you cannot miss the cutie Julian Cheung Chi Lam! He’s been in quite a few memorable TVB series. It has been about 4 years since his last serie with TVB. Lets have a review of some of his series, shall we?

*Above Picture from Chi-Lamania

1. 2004 - Shades of Truth (with Gigi Lai, Wong Hei, Tavia) – I have only watched the first few episodes of this serie, but then I lost interest because I wasn’t into TVB at that time and it was a bit wacky for me. Anyone a fan of this serie that could tell me more about it?

2. 2003 - Point of No Return (with Charmaine Sheh, Damian Lau, Gigi Chiu) – It was a serie that was divided into two parts, the first part focused on Damian Lau & Gigi Chiu’s characters, and the second part was on Charmaine & Chilam’s romance. In my opinion, I think I enjoyed the first half more because it was well-rounded, but nonetheless Charmaine & Chilam were a cute pair though I didn’t like how her character broke up with Chilam, and how his character was so love-struck about her afterwards. His character was very cute in looks and personality, but not my favorite. Beautiful theme song though. This was also the serie that Chilam was adamant that Damian should’ve been nominated for the TVB Best Actor role.

3. 2002- Take My Word for it (Bobby Au Yeung, Kenix Kwok, Chilam, Annie) – This was actually quite a popular serie at that time, but I thought the plot was only ok, what was great was the chemistry between the cast. Annie & Chilam were adorable as a couple. Chilam’s character of Yeung Kwok is my version of the ideal boyfriend (Raymond Lam in Survivor’s Law I is my second ideal haha). He keeps talking and talking and talking like a freaking robot, and you will think it is annoying, but it is hilarious watching him talk. I also really liked his subtheme song for this serie.

4. 2000 – Return of the Cuckoo (Charmaine Sheh, Nancy Sit, Steven Ma) – This serie promoted the popularity of the Charmaine-Chilam pairing. Unfortunately, I have not watch this serie. I read that Chilam played a mute character, and it was sort of focused on the romance between the triangle of Chilam-Charmaine-Steven Ma.

5. 1996 – Cold Blood Warm Heart – (Adam Cheng, Gallen Lo, Nnadia Chan, Louis Koo, Jessica Hsuan) – One of TVB’s classic TVB serie, it is also my favorite out of Chilam’s series. The serie in itself was awesome to watch, and I adore Chilam’s role as the heroic and romantic ah Git in this serie. It still breaks my heart to this day that he and Jessica did not end up with each other because they had some of the best scenes as a couple. Some of Chilam’s best scenes were after he has found out about Jessica cheating on him behind his back…still breaks my heart to this day. I have read that it was originally intended to have them as the ending couple but because the ratings or the serie was such a hit, they had to extend it, and that changed the storyline. Bah humbug!! However, at least his character got to be with Nnadia at the end, I believe.

6. 1994 - The Legend of the Condor Hero (Athena Chu, Gallen Lo) – This serie is actually one of my first ancient TVB series. Chilam & Athena were very cute as the young Jin Yong characters, Kwok Jing and Wong Yung. Gallen also played the villain in here. I think Chilam did a very good job playing the confused Kwok Jing, and I love how his character is so devoted to Wong Yung, but it is too bad this serie was not as popular as the version with Felix Wong and Barbara Yung.

7. 1994 - Remembrance (Kenix Kwok, David Siu) – His only time pairing with Kenix Kwok in a TVB serie was in this serie. I don’t remember this serie very much, but I remember he looked very dashing in this serie hehe.


There were some news in February of this year that Chilam wanted to film for TVB in 2008. See here: Jaynestars: Chilam Cheung Wants to Film for TVB in 2008.

In the news bit above, it was reported ….Chilam mentioned that he was especially interested in filming for TVB again. "I desire to speak Cantonese on screen again! I wish to service television audiences!"


This is only my opinion, but I hope he will come back to TVB in time to cooperate again in the 40 episodes grand production drama with Gallen! It will be like Cold Blood Warm Heart again! Think of the possibilities of a grand cast!! I want to see Jessica Hsuan pair up with Chilam again! It will then easily be the most anticipated TVB serie in 2009, no doubt about it.

*Above Picture from Chi-Lamania

So this lead me to the polls: Favorite Chilam TVB serie, and which male actor you would like to see cooperate with Gallen again (it's not always about the ladies!).


Anonymous said...

I LOVE chilam!!! :D :D He's so cute xD

I'm really wishing he'll film more with TVB, miss him a lot! I've only seen him in 3 TVB series (sadly I've missed 'cold blood warm heart', still hope to watch it someday!)

I really enjoyed Shades of Truth because I wanted to see how his relationship with Gigi would develop hehe...His character was also very like-able as usual. I think he was also part of the bad-guy's team, some triad, and the boss liked him a lot haha~ It was also quite funny after he got back his memories and the way he spoke and acted etc WongHe was too stiff when he got back his memories though- robot like. I'd say it was an enjoyable series because of Chilam!

Take My Word for It was pretty cool too - I watched the series twice hah. I agree with you though, the story was ok, but the chemistry between the characters were the best :D

Return of the Cockoo was the first Chilam series I saw. I loved his "Mun Chor" character and I have to say the only reason I watched the whole series was because of him. But really, this series is quite boring and I hated Charmaine's character and acting. Her character is a tomboy who is also quite selfish and self-centred, yet we have 3 guys fall for her..uhm... -_-;; I don't see how that's possible. It's also a bit strange that Chilam and Charmaine developed feelings for each other when they grew up as brother and sister. I wasn't too thrilled with Chilam being paired up with Charmaine in Return of Cockoo, so I sorta skipped Point of No Return.

My favourite TVB themesong from him include:Return of Cockoo, Point of No Return. =D

Jadedreams said...

hi ktvb, you should watch cold blood warm heart! Very awesome serie with a great cast!

thanks for sharing your thoughts on Shades of Truth! I wonder if he had any chemistry with Gigi Lai?

Chilam is always likeable in all of his serie, rarely is his character unlikeable. The only time I could think of is when he was so lovesick for Charmaine in PONR. That was kind of annoying.

Yeah, it is kind of weird to watch couples who grew up each other fall for each other....but perhaps it's influenced by the Korean drama, Endless Love?

Unknown said...

"Shades of Truth" is recommended. It's a bit far-fetched in the beginning, but despite the out-of-the-blue twists, they all make sense as you go on. Enough said.